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GET 360’s audience sample blend formula called PreciseBlend strategically blends sample in a controlled, unbiased way to ensure accurate, quality, and representative insights that will reflect the true voice of the market



How is your audience being sourced? Is it through a single provider? Or an aggregator that recklessly mismatches panels together? What are the results – are the insights representative of the voice of market?


In industries where market research data is key to decision making, whether it’s branding, moving forward with a product or idea, or just how you are perceived in the market, you want the most representative and unbiased data possible.


Audience (or Sample) Blending shouldn’t just be about mismatching panels together for the sake of feasibility and quick turnover. It should be done in a strategic scientific manner to ensure you are receiving accurate and representative data among your targeted audience. Carefully, customizing a blend based on a clients’ need and a proper representation of your audience will ensure the best results possible. GET 360 has been diligent in solving this problem with our PreciseBlend sampling model which is exactly what it sounds like

PreciseBlend is GET 360s unique sample formula of strategically blending sample sources in an intentional, unbiased, and controlled approach in order to deliver the most representative and accurate demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal data. Much more effective than what one sample source or an unbalanced combination of sources would provide


More accurate and better representative data

Demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal data

Eliminate Bias

Selecting the best panel provider for your audience are often overlooked for a variety of biased reasons – best price, maximum margin, overstated feasibility, existing relationships etc. PrecionBlend and mathematics cuts straight through that and focus on the best panel mix for the given audience

Better Quality

you are not pegged to a limited number of sources that may not be authentic. We cast a wider net of panels that have consistently delivered well. From there we take it a step further and handpick best performing panels project by project.

Maximizes feasibility

Ability to deliver quotas and minimize the need for more expensive hybrid offline recruitment methods

Data consistency

Once we formulate the best blend for your category you are all set for consitenty time after time

Cost effectiveness

By having a variety of sources, that have passed the test of feasibility and authentic panelists, we look at the most cost-efficient combination that will deliver


Meeting Room Business

PrecisieBlend is most often used to create a custom blended sample per each of your audience categories (e.g. automotive, telecommunication,  schools/education, Consumer package goods, Financial, B2B niche groups etc), and evolve it over time to keep up with changing trends to ensure representativeness throughout. At GET 360, we are confident we can develop a blend that is right for you without compromise. Will bring together the right panels to create a representative, high quality sample for your research projects on a consistent basis.


We only work with industry leading panels recruitment sources across the globe.that have provided consistently good data, and meet the following criteria

[Survey frequency]

Limits to panel member number of surveys taken per month

[Diverse sources]

Recruits from a diverse blend of channels to ensure representativeness, including both online and offline publishers, social networks, loyalty programs, forums, communities, television ad placement.

[Relationship with Panel]

Creates a positive panelist experience, building strong relationships to encourage honest, thoughtful, and engaged survey responses

[Panel Cleaning/Cullling]

Tracks respondent behavior using advanced algorithmic solutions designed to evaluate their profile on an ongoing basis, ensuring accuracy and authenticity is maintained


[Stringent verification checks]

Use stringent verification protocols, e.g., digital fingerprinting, RelevantID, source verification, two-factor/third-party authentication, geo-IP control, time stamps, in-survey quality controls, reward verification

[Tiered incentives]

Research participants are rewarded in proportion to their time/effort

[Meet quality control standards]

That ensure authenticity and credibility on a regular basis


​Panel is capable of applying pre-screening when needed if looking for live up to date profiling.

Email, address, and other verification measures to ensure respondents are who they say they are

Members of MRA, MRIA, and/or ESOMAR

Through our PreciosnBlend Model we identify

The best panel mix best fit in terms of feasibility, and representation. Each panel depending on it’s targeted audience has it strengths and weakness. We filter through our network to find the panels most suitable for the given targeted audience.

Once we have formulated the optimal panel mix through Precision Blend we are ready to soft launch. Following a soft launch, we then take it a step further and, select the top performing panels for that given audience and take it home.


Following the study we use the same blend for the given audience category moving forward with some additional tweaks and adjustments to ensure optimal and consistent performance throughout


Even after we formulate the best mix, we continuously monitor and make tweaks throughout to ensure performance stays on top

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